October 6, 2021

Burj Khalifa: Most Desirable Landmark for Tourists

Study reveals foreign landmarks around the world people were Googling the most is BURJ KHALIFA

A study by luxury travel company Kuoni analyzed that the famed skyscraper was the most searched landmark in 66 (37.5%) countries analyzed, including India, Switzerland and most of Africa.

Curious to discover which landmark each country wants to visit most, Kuoni analyzed global search data to find out the most Googled foreign landmarks in (nearly) every country in the world. Google search data was used to establish the average monthly search volume in 176 countries for 233 different landmarks.

The Eiffel Tower was the second most popular landmark to travel and Peruvian architectural feat Machu Picchu ranked third most searched for.

London’s famous clock tower Big Ben is the joint fourth-most searched landmark globally, alongside the Taj Mahal (India).

See more……

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