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Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected

Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected

What makes an Embassy or Consulate reject providing you with a Schengen Visa? This is the question many people make any time they are about to apply for such a visa. The fact is that whenever a Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected, there is something UNSATISFACTORY as regards that visa application.

Many visa applicants get confused and unable to exactly understand the reason for their visa refusal. That is why the article will focus on presenting the commonly known reasons for such refusal.

A visa application might be considered unsuccessful if the consular officer fails to get from the candidate all the needed information about him/her. Lacking to possess such information, the consular officer will be incapable to decide if the candidate qualifies to be given a visa. On the other hand, sometimes the consular might get information from the applicant that is unacceptable or beyond the fixed procedures. Sometimes the candidate is prone to illegitimate and/or dishonest activities. In all of the aforementioned cases, the officer is led to DENY offering a visa to the applicant.

LEARN which are the Most Common Reasons For Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected Applications, in order to avoid being amongst those who perform them:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Past or Current Criminal Actions

The past and current circumstances and actions of the applicant matter a lot in the decision of the consular officer in issuing a Schengen visa. In such cases, the refusal might occur because the applicant is considered a threat to the public policy, internal security or public wealth of the Schengen Area (i.e. terrorism, drug abuse, child abuse, addiction, other serious crimes).

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : False Travel Document

Schengen Visa Rejection Reasons :There is a common destiny for all the individuals (applicants) who attempt to present false travel documents to the embassy or consulate, trying to misrepresent their identity, using a fake identity – and that is an absolute visa denial and other accompanying unfavourable consequences.

Schengen Visa Rejection Reasons : Insufficient Explanation For The Purpose And Circumstances Of The Planned Stay

Another motive to lead the consular office to deny your Schengen Visa is failing to have the needed justification for your purpose and conditions of the planned travel and stay. Such are the cases of:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Damaged Passport

Schengen Visa Rejection Reasons : A reason for a visa refusal could be presenting a passport that is not kept in a good condition. Such cases can be when passport pages are detaching or missing when the cover of the passport is damaged and so on.

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Passport Invalidity

An alternative motive to lead the consular officer to deny your visa application is presenting a passport that is not acceptable for the Embassy or Consulate. Such cases are classified the following:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Lack To Proof The Travel Itinerary

Schengen Visa Rejection Reasons: An additional reason for the Schengen Visa application fail, is lacking to present the proper plan of your travel within the Schengen Area. Such cases include:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Invalid Letter of Reference

Further evidenced reason for a failed Schengen Visa application is providing a formal letter of reference that is not authenticated by the author. Such cases involve:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Insufficient Means Of Subsistence

One of the reasons the embassy or consulate of the Schengen country might refuse to give you a visa is lacking or insufficient proof of means of existence for the duration of stay in Schengen Area, nor for the return to home country. Such cases might involve:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Unacceptable Birth Or Marriage Certificate

An additional cause for a failed Schengen Visa application is not being able to offer birth or marriage certificates that are accepted (not authenticated) by the embassy or consulate. Such cases include:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Invalid Travel Insurance

The other reason that might lead to a Schengen Visa application fail, is the inability to present the appropriate travel insurance coverage for the duration of stay in the Schengen Area. Such cases might involve:

Why Schengen Visa Applications Get Rejected : Unfavorable Schengen Visa Situation

What else could destroy one’s Schengen Visa application is earlier history with the Schengen Visa. Such cases include:

Note: The information provided here is intended for assistance only and might be usable NOT ONLY for the purpose of applying for Schengen Visa but for any visa type of any world country.